Tamil actor-director SJ Surya was approached to play a baddie in Dhanush’s forthcoming film ‘Enai Nokki Paayum Thota’, but he rejected the project when he was offered main antagonist role in superstar Mahesh Babu’s next film with AR Murugadoss.Actually, the makers had initially planned to zero in a Bollywood star for the negative role. Nonetheless, director Murugadoss feels Surya will be best pick for the role.
Apparently, Mahesh Babu also has no issues, since he had earlier worked with Surya for a film called Nani.Mahesh Babu – Murugadoss film will be made as Telugu-Tamil bilingual with a lavish budget of around Rs 80-90 crores. Tagore Madhu will be producing the film that will start rolling from June end or in July.The makers are yet to finalize heroine to star opposite Mahesh Babu in the film tipped to be a high octane action entertainer.
The yet to be titled movie will primarily be shot in Mumbai.
Other details about the project will be unveiled soon.Meanwhile, Mahesh Babu is working hard to wrap up Brahmotsavam as soon as possible to meet the release date deadline. The Srikanth Addals’s directorial is due for release on May 13th.