YSR Congress party is facing a twist every day in finalizing Hindupur Lok Sabha candidate. Initially, the party announced CI Gorantla Madhav and accordingly he resigned to his police job in January. But the government is yet to relieve him from the services. As the government is delaying the process, Madhav approached the tribunal and election commission. Both the authorities gave verdict in favour of Madhav.
So YSRCP is in second thoughts to change the candidate. The party chief Jagan has directed his party leaders issue a B-form on Madhav’s best half Savitha’s name. However, Madhav and Savitha will take time to file their nomination as they want to wait till the last minute. If Madhav receives his relieving papers, he is expected to file the nomination.
In this whole episode, Madhav has accused AP CM Chandrababu and Kurnool DIG Nagendra Kumar. “Despite the tribunal and election commission sending orders to relieve me, the government is not taking any action. Monday is the last day for filing the nomination and if I don’t get my relieving papers my then, my wife will contest from here,” said Madhav.
This issue has become a hot topic of discussion in Hindupur and Anantapur district now.