Kalyan Ram’s Sher has finally overcome Censor obstacle. The movie has been cleared by the Censor Board and the regional board passed the film with U/A certificate. While producers claim that the movie got good buzz in trade and state that movie would do well after Pataas, we need to wait and watch till the movie hits the screens. However, there is a suspense on the film’s official release date even after the Censor cleared the film.
Though the Film Nagar buzz is that movie would release on Oct 30th as planned before, the grapevine has it that the makers are still in second thought in releasing the film on Oct 30. Since a slew of films like Kanche, Raju Gari Gadi are releasing for Dasara, the makers of Sher seems to have decided to gauge their result before making their release date public.
Meanwhile, sources close to the unit confirming that movie would come on Oct 30th. An official confirmation regarding the same is awaited. Till then, suspense on Sher’s release is still on.