Kinnera Sai Sindhu, a 27-year-old housewife, a native of Nellore, died under suspicious circumstances in California, USA. Parents of Sai Sindhu allege its their Son-in-Law Uday Kumar has killed their daughter. They revealed Mr. Kumar who works in California has been harassing Sai Sindhu for extra dowry since they got married.
Sindhu’s father Kinnera Krishnaiah, a resident of Kshavaralaveedhi in Chinnabazar area here, had made a complaint to the district police authorities here but he said that there was no immediate response from the officials with regard to the registration of the case. Sindhu was married to Udayakumar, a resident of Hyderabad, about four years ago.
He was working as a hardware professional in California and never said clearly as to which company he was employed with. For the past four months, the harassment for additional dowry intensified but Sindhu was stated to have told her parents that she would adjust somehow. “I told her to come back home. But, she did not listen. Now she lost her life.
I want the authorities to book a case and handover the body to me,” said Mr. Krishnaiah. Stating that Mr. Udayakumar’s parents were also responsible for her daughter’s death, Mr. Krishnaiah demanded that their passports be seized and stringent action taken against them.
He said that their daughter’s body would be brought to Hyderabad by Friday and the officials should help in bringing the body to Nellore where the last rites would be performed.