Finally director Surender Reddy has carved out all the missing links and the shooting of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s epic film Sye Raa is said to have got wrapped. While a rejuvenated Chiranjeevi is back from his Kerala trip, where he’s said to have taken nature cure like earlier, director Surender Reddy is said to have wrapped the editing part too.
According to the grapevine, the total runtime of Sye Raa as per Surender Reddy’s choice of editing is nearly 3 hours 30 minutes. Though Megastar Chiru is not aghast to 3 hours runtime as he asked Sukumar to go ahead with such a length during Rangasthalam times, the extra 30 minutes are said to be worrying him now. Because making the audiences sit for more than 3 hours will be a daunting task.
Reports are coming that Megastar will be sitting at the editing table in a couple of days to make sure that choppings happen right away. such that they may stop spending money and time on unnecessary visual effects sequences too. Though the editor and director did a commendable job already, Megastar is known for rightly ascertaining the fate of films at the editing table and sometimes his bits and pieces of editing work has created miracles.
Sye Raa narrates the story of first ever freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy who fought against the British taking over the lands of Telugu people in Chittoor, Kadapa and Kurnool areas.