Though the muhurat event of the prestigious film, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s “Sye Raa” was held long back, it took some time for the film to move to floors. And then, as the shooting got delayed there are various rumours popping up.
Of late, it is being said that whole team of “Sye Raa” is upset with director Surender Reddy as the output hasn’t come out well. Also, various rumours are heard including Chiranjeevi wanting Guna Sekhar to come onboard and take care of certain sequences in this movie. Amidst all of them, Ram Charan has given a big clarity now.
According to reports, Charan is holidaying in Dubai from the past four days and he’s accompanied by none other than Surender Reddy. Both Charan’s family and Reddy’s family are said to be having a gala time together. Isn’t this a sort of indication that all is well between Sye Raa and Surender Reddy? It is, says mega fans.
Meanwhile, we hear that Sye Raa next schedule will take off only in February 1st week and this time heroine Nayanthara is going to join the sets as well.