Producer Natti Kumar, who recently released Dhanush-Shruti Haasan’s 3 in Telugu, has leveled serious allegations against Tollywood biggies. This time, he openly named them and alleged, “Many theatres are under the grip of producers Suresh Babu and Allu Aravind. They’re halting the release of my film incurring losses to me. This is very sad state of affairs.”
He said that his film Yuddham, starring Tarun and Yami Gautham, has been lying in the cans. Natti didn’t even spare his lead cast. Natti added, “Yami Gautham and Tarun hasn’t cooperated me in the shooting. They’re reluctant to turn up to the shoots after canning majority portion of the shoot.”
On parting note, depressed Natti Kumar made sensational comments, “Yuddham will be my last film. I don’t want to make any films here after.”