The KCR-led Telangana state government on Monday came out with a heart warming gesture by releasing Rupees 5 lakhs as financial assistance to ailing Tollywood comedian Gundu Hanmanthu Rao. In an official press release, the Chief Minister’s Office said that Five lakh rupees has been sanctioned for the treatment of Hanmanthu Rao, who is undergoing a treatment for kidney-related diseases at Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad.
‘Amrutham’ fame Gundu Hanmanthu has been advised to undergo dialysis for three times in a week but due to bad financial condition, the senior comedian continuing to take treatment at his residence. After getting to know about his financial condition through MAA (Movie Artist Association), Megastar Chiranjeevi had recently handed Rs 2 lakhs cheque for his medical expenses.
Posting the Chief Minister’s note, IT and Municipal Development Minister KTR had wished Gundu Hanmanthu Rao a speedy recovery. Apart from Chiranjeevi and KCR, many other VIPs from Cine industry have extended their assistance to the senior comedian in some or other way.