Mahesh Sharma minister of culture told the Loksabha on categorical terms that the rumors on rounds about Taj Mahal that, it was once a Siva temple is all false and that there is no evidence of it ever being a Hindu temple at all. This came as a response to a suit filed by a group of Lawyers from Agra few days ago.
The Lawyers claimed that Taj Mahal was once a Siva Temple and so the owner ship of it should be transferred to Hindus. Their legal demand also wanted the court to bar Muslims from visiting the site or offering any prayers at the location.
Minister also affirmed that this rumors and the law suit did not affect the tourists frequency and also requested the citizens of the nation to not pay any attention toward the Watsapp forward message that’s trying to spread the rumors wide.
It’s a well known fact that Taj Mahal is one of the 7 world wonders recognized by UNSECO, originally built by Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Begum.