Talented Writer Chinni Krishna, who has offered stories for Chiranjeevi’s Indra, Balakrishna’s Narasimha Naidu, Allu Arjun’s Badrinath and many more notable films has made some interesting comments on Mega Star Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan now. Actually, Chinni Krishna was supposed to write the story for the film with which Chiru had to make a comeback, but Chiranjeevi was not fully convinced with the story and has finally gone ahead with the remake of Kathi.
Chinni Krishna said that the film would be more or less same as the original, and there is nothing much to talk about it. Chinni Krishna also said that Chiru’s 150 movie is like a Xerox and NBK’s Gautamiputra Satakarni is a historical film. Chinni Krishna has also revealed that he was supposed to offer a story for Ram Charan’s debut film too, but Chiru had preferred to work with Puri Jagan.