Superstar Mahesh Babu is busy shooting for Sarileru Neekevvaru which will release for Sankranthi 2020. The actor is lined up with an interesting bunch of projects that will roll next year.
Prashanth Neel who created a sensation with KGF met Superstar Mahesh Babu in his residence yesterday. Prashanth Neel narrated a script to Mahesh and the actor replied on a positive note. The project will be made on a pan Indian scale.
Prashanth Neel will now work on the script and will narrate the complete script to Mahesh Babu soon. The project may start rolling next year once Mahesh completes his current commitments and Prashanth Neel turns free from KGF: Chapter 2.
Mahesh Babu’s home banner GMB Entertainment will produce this project. Earlier, there are speculations that Prashanth Neel will direct NTR but the talented director meeting Mahesh Babu created a sensation.
Prashanth Neel met Mahesh Babu for the first time on the sets of Sarileru Neekevvaru and this is the second time the duo met to discuss about teaming up for a project.