In Talk: Upasana’s Numerology Beliefs

Mega daughter-in-law Upasana Kamineni is not just a celebrity due to her marital status, but she’s more popular for her work through Apollo Foundation. Despite being so forward thinker, it is heard that she believes in numerology a lot.

Other day we have already revealed how the First Look launch of “Rangasthalam 1985” was shifted from 8th December to 9th, as the ‘8’ sentiment didn’t get well. We wondered why the producer 8th first, and it is heard that as 8th happens to be Friday, they have come up with the announcement.

However, a report has surfaced that Upasana involved in this and requested the makers to push the date to 9th, as it happens to an auspicious one with ‘lucky number 9’ also coming. Though 8th happens to be auspicious tithi ‘Panchami’, Upasna is keen on the next day, though a Shashti, because it is ‘9’ date.

After the new date is announced, Upasana posted on her official social site, “9 December 9 am – Happy for the changeĀ  #ramcharan”. And that confirms her beliefs, say observers.

Not just numerology, but Upasana is a firm believer in astrology too and makes sure that she visits temples on auspicious days along with Ram Charan. No matter how busy the couple is, they won’t miss any religious ceremonies that are planned on auspicious days.