Vishnu Manchu has been missing his home in Hyderabad as the actor is busy shooting fro his upcoming film. Yet-to-be-titled, the movie is Telugu remake of superhit Tamil flick Arima Nambi. “Vishnu is shooting for the film in Tirupati for over a month and the schedule lasts for 40 days which is a very long for any actor to stay away from home.
Though Tirupati is his native place but he’s missing his family very much,” said a source in the unit. Vishnu is missing his daughters Arianaa, Viviana who are now going to school and spending time with her mom Viranica and grandfather Mohan Babu.
However, Vishnu made up his mind that he’s doing this “sacrifice” for his film. “Vishnu underwent special martial arts training for the film in Bangkok and toned up his body to suit the character and now he’s working hard on the sets,” added source.
Director Deva Katta is also taking special care on the film to churn out a hit especially after his previous film Autonagar Surya failed to meet the expectations.