Tamanna Bhatia Loves “Kuchi Ku Bhatia”

Who is this Kuchi Ku Bhatia?? Have you heard of this word at any time? Probably while caressing kids with love, some people use the likes ‘bujji’ ‘kuchi’ ‘kuchi ku’ like that, but never anyone names their kids that way. Let us see what is this connection between Tamanna Bhatia and this Kuchi Ku Bhatia. In fact, Tamanna revealed that what she disliked most about her is her name.
As the name ‘Tamanna’ sounds quite different, many people used to forget her name. Irritated by this happening, Tamanna used to tell others that her name is ‘Anjali’ and sometimes, her name is ‘Kuchi Ku’. Even she thought of changing her name permanently to “Kuchi Ku Bhatia”. 
But somehow she entered films with the name ‘Tamanna’ and now it became a household name. “I loved the name Kuchiku. My mom still named my contact as Kuchiku in her mobile”, says an excited Tamanna. That’s the story folks!