One of top actress in South Tamanna who is ready to be re-launched on Bollywood platform with high budget film “Himmatwala” is making some boundaries in Bollywood and in South film too. Coming into news, in a times where actresses are willing to reveal physically, leaving very little to people’s imagination, there are certain actresses who have outright denied doing any such thing. Tamanna is one such actress who clarified her stance with, “I don’t kiss on screen and nor will I ever don a bikini. I have followed it so far and continue to do so.” Tamanna says she has certain boundaries in her life and she doesn’t cross them no matter what the consequences may be. She has almost wrapped up her part of “Himmatwala” and she has Telugu remake of Tamil film “Vettai” that has Naga Chaitanya in the lead and a Tamil film with Ajith in the lead. Great attitude Tamanna, all the best.