Andhra Boy Vishal who went to Kollywood and knocked the hearts of Tamil Tambis later bowled Telugu movie lovers with high voltage mass entertainers like Pandem Kodi,Pogaru, Salute. He also showed his acting prowess in films like Vaadu Veedu and Indrudu.
Vishal’s dreams of making it big in Tollywood received boost with his recent entertainer Poojai starring Shruti Hasan under Hari’s direction started getting stable response. Vishal who is over the moon with the film’s success as it happens to be his first on his banner Vishal Film Factory, is now planning to expand its brand equity.
According to sources Vishal is planning to produce big budget films along with him and other top Tollywood stars. Inside talk is he already roped in a Telugu director. A source says “Vishal and his sister-in-law Shriya are discussing few stories with leading directors and like to dish out good Telugu films, since they are basically, Telugu-speaking individuals and their love for Telugu is obvious”
Wonder who will be the top star of Tollywood, teaming with Vishal.