Usually, a film which stays inside boxes for more than 6 moths end up as disasters. A Tamil film ‘Idhu Namma Aalu’ starring Simbu and Nayanathara in lead roles was started three years back. The film went on getting postponed for these many days and finally released last week. But the film got a positive talk from the word go and has set the cash registers ringing.
Though the film started long back, it was delayed as Simbu was stuck in various controversies. But, ex-love birds Simbu-Nayanthara combo raised everyone’s interest over this film. Finally, the film was released and is running successfully in theatres. The chemistry between the lead pair is the major attraction and the satires aimed at the real life relationships of both the hero and the heroine stood out in the film.
The film collected over 14 crores on the first day and would turn up as a biggest hit in Simbu’s career. So, Simbu who was in news for wrong reasons all these days can have a sigh of relief now.