The Telugu Association of North America (TANA) has announced a donation of Rs 2 Crore for the Hudhud victims and the amount will be donated to AP CM Relief Fund. AP Irrigation Minister Devineni Uma, who was the chief guest for the valedictory function of TANA’s “Chaitanya Sravanthi” event held in Vijayawayada on Sunday, lauded TANA’s efforts for its people and country.
He said that the organisation is doing various service activities taking inspiration from Janmabhoomi programme. TANA president Mohan Nannapaneni said, “Chaitanya Sravanthi was huge success. Commenced from Dec 10, various programmes like health camps, felicitation of literary personalities, cultural events were held.
TANA is working hard to protect the interests of Telugu language, culture and tradition.” He said that arrangements are being made to organise grand TANA Maha Sabha on July 2, 3, 4 in Detroit in the New Year where people from all walks of life would be invited.