Noted Telugu writer-actor-director Tanikella Bharani has bagged a special honour. First of its kind, a Telugu book was released in British Parliament and it was Bharani’s Telugu book Pyaasa. Tipped to be a romantic story admittedly inspired by Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat, Pyaasa said to have “universal appeal” and hence released in major cities of the world.
We hear that Deputy Speaker of AP Mandali Budha Prasad played pivotal role in releasing Pyaasa in British parliament. A British Parliament Meber Dan Byles along with UK Telugu Association helped Bharani to achieve this rare feat. Incidentally, Mr Dan Byles married to Telugu girl Prashanthi Reddy. Another British MP Lord Loomba also graced the do and made it successful. Meanwhile, Pyaasa was also released in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Australia. Great going Bharani, you once again made Telugus proud.
Bharani’s maiden directorial Midhunam was a stupendous success, bagged critical acclaim and awards. Bharani is planning to do his second directorial based on Bhakta Kannappa. Although comedian-turned-hero Suneel was cast as lead cast, the project was said to be on backburner at the moment.