The pre-release event of ‘Das Ka Dhamki’ was held on Friday night and it was attended by a lot of NTR fans. The film’s hero, Vishwak Sen announced a few days that Tarak will be the chief guest for his event, the auditorium was packed with fans and the crowd were eager to go crazy for their star hero who enjoyed his ‘RRR’ team winning the Oscar recently.
NTR had only positive things to say about Vishwak Sen. He told, “I can never speak like Vishwak. He’s an energy ball. He is more talkative than me. Even I go silent and listen to when Vishwak is speaking. It’s my responsibility to come for the event. Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi is one film that I watch when I’m not in a good mood. Emoting comedy, without doing comedy is not an easy thing. When I thought that Vishwak was going in a monotony, Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam came. I was supposed to attend the pre-release event of the movie. I was really shocked to see Vishwak’s mature performance. It look a long time for me to get out of the monotonous movies but Vishwak surprised me with his changeover. I was really reborn on the day when I promised you all that I won’t let you down.”
He added, “He continued to surprise me with HIT. I came to know more about Vishwak, when we discussed more when we had lunch together that day. He wants to prove himself. I hope that confidence won’t die. I wish Das Ka Dhamki will become a blockbuster. hope Vishwak will stop direction. There are many young directors who are wishing to direct youngsters like you. It’s a golden period for Telugu cinema. We should encourage such talent. I hope, this will be his last directorial movie. Vishwak told me that he spent everything on this movie. How passionate he is. We should encourage such passionate people. When I first heard Padipoyinde Pilla, I told Vishwak that it will become a big hit. I also wish the entire team all the best.”
As we know, Vishwak Sen played the title role as well as directed this movie. Nivetha Pethuraj is the heroine in this film while the trailer received a very good response from the public. With good songs and an interesting plotline, let us wait and see how the movie fares at the box office.