TB Special: Film journalists scamper for kits

We meant grocery kits not Covid testing kits. Megastar Chiranjeevi spearheaded CCC to distribute grocery kits for daily wage film workers who are finding it difficult to make two ends meet due to the lock down.

It is a very noble thought. The intention here is to dole out benefits to show that the industry cares for them and they aren’t selfish people. Now most of the people in the film industry including assistant directors and journalists are reasonably well off to take care of their families atleast for the next few months, it isn’t as if they are living in penury.

They are used to taking benefits, covers from producers every press meet and this sudden break has pushed them into a shock.

A few journalists who work for film websites feel that this is not charity and it is their right and are making use of the generosity meant for the less privileged.

Since Chiranjeevi said even journalists can avail of it, the group have scampered for the grocery kits that contain rice bag, oil packets and all the necessary stuff required for cooking.

Most of these journalists even got cash incentive from their respective associations where they are registered as members. Even then they didn’t think twice to take the kits.

Imagine, distributing it to all the drivers, and smaller category workers like light boys etc. They would have been so happy.

A few scribes think these are carry home gifts like Diwali crackers and sweet boxes distributed to them earlier. God save their herd mentality.