Telugu Desam Party which was badly battered during the Separate State Agitatiion days could not even manage the Main Opposition Status in the last elections. Adding to that, one by one the party MLAs started slipping from the party making the party’s future bleak in the new state. KCR and Co targeted to end the party in Telangana by repeatedly blaming Chandrababu Naidu as the reason for all the problems in Telangana. While every one started writing off TDP, the party staged a good comeback in the current Budget Session.
Revanth Reddy is leading the party from the front and making the ruling party breathless with all the allegations. The situation is so tough for TRS that KCR and Harish Rao themselves had to counter Revanth Reddy and finally put a pause to TDP by suspending them for no reason twice. At the same time, Main Opposition Party, Congress is still battling the electoral loss. Lack of proper leadership in Congress is clearly visible in the Assembly session.
Jana Reddy is the only person active in the party but he is going to soft on the government. One can feel that TDP is playing the role of main opposition party while others are numb. TDP fans hope that if they continue the good work, the party’s future will be definitely good going forward. Interestingly, Errabelli and Revanth put aside their differences and cooperating with each other in the Assembly.