The TDP, which is dying to extend a hand of friendship to the BJP, was over the moon when there was an invitation from the BJP for the unveiling of Alluri Sitharama Raju in Bhimavaram. The party felt this was an opportunity to mend its relations with the BJP. But, soon it turned out that there was nothing political about the meeting and that this is not meant to build bridges with the TDP.
The BJP officially invited all political parties to the Bhimavaram programme as it was an official programme being held as part of the Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav. Union Minister Kishan Reddy asked the TDP to send a representative of the party for the programme, which would be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself.
The TDP, which realised that there was no political messaging in the invitation, has now decided to send AP TDP president Atchen Naidu to the meeting. This means there would be no political discussion whatsoever. This will be a strict protocol meeting. This has dampened the TDP enthusiasm.
The TDP is badly trying to form an alliance with the BJP in Andhra Pradesh. The party knows that it cannot take on the might of the YSRCP alone and feels that an alliance with the BJP was the need of the hour. However, the BJP seems determined not to enter into any kind of alliance with the TDP.