YSR Congress Rajya Sabha member Vijaysai Reddy on Friday demanded to know as to whom from the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) members were demanding justice by protesting in the house.”The members of the TDP who are also part of the ruling dispensation at the Centre, they are demanding justice. They are in power at the Centre (as NDA coalition partners) as well as in the state (Andhra Pradesh). From whom are they demanding justice? It is them who should give justice to the people of Andhra Pradesh,” Reddy said in the House.
“Yesterday (Thursday), the Chairman has given a ruling that one cabinet minister can give a suggestion to another. I would like to know from the Chairman if there is any rule under which a minister can give an assurance to another minister, especially considering that both are Ministers of State in their respective ministries?” he asked.On Thursday, members from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in the Rajya Sabha, cutting across party lines, had raked up the issue of Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act and demanded a solution to the crisis.
In an attempt to resolve the issue, Naidu allowed Minister of State for Science and Technology Y.S. Chowdary, of the TDP, to give suggestions over the demand of special status to Andhra Pradesh.”If government is willing there are some issues of special status category. My request to the government is that if they can commit to resolve the issue in 15 days. The Finance Minister should address this concern in his reply to the budget speech,” he had said.
Responding to the demand, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Vijay Goel assured that the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will address the issue during his reply to the budget debate.Some opposition members objected to this “unprecedented” exchange of communication between the two ministers inside the House, wondering how could a minister “advise” his own government inside Parliament, that too after the Budget had been presented.
The Chairman, however, clarified that the Minister had given suggestion to find out a solution.”There is no constitutional misuse. If anyone wants to give suggestion, he can give. A minister as a member of his political party can give suggestion. He has not protested but gave suggestions to resolve the issue,” he said.
On Friday, raising the issue again, Vijaysai Reddy pointed out that Chowdary began his speech “on behalf of the government of India” but in the end “requested” his own government to do justice to Andhra Pradesh. “Is he (Chowdary) part of the government or not? First he should resign from the government and then ask for the justice. Justice to Andhra Pradesh can be done only after they (TDP) resign from the government,” he said.