The Vice-President of India who also happens to be the chairman of Rajya Sabha has approved the merger of Telugu Desam Parliamentary Party (TDPP) with BJP. Yesterday four Rajya Sabha MPs of TDP have met Venkaiah Naidu and submitted a letter urging him to merge TDPP with BJP. On Friday in the Rajya Sabha’s official website, the four MPs are shown as BJP members and thus a clarity has come out.
Meanwhile the TDP MPs have met Venkaiah Naidu and asked the latter to disqualify the MPs who have defected the TDP. They also said this merger is illegal and against the constitution of India. In a fresh development TDPP has appointed Kanakamedala as Rajya Sabha leader and Thota Seetharama Lakshmi as deputy.
The Vice President Venkaiah has reportedly informed that the TDP MPs that he will go through the letter of the representation and will take an action as the law.