Vijayawada Central MLA from TDP Bonda Uma Maheshwar Rao’s son B. Siddharth was booked by Guntur district police allegedly for being part of “illegal” car race which claimed the life of an engineering student on Sunday night.
According to police, Siddharth and his friends indulged in a car race on Vijayawada-Chilakalurpet highway stretch on Sunday night which led to an accident taking away life of 22-yr-old engineering student Nagendra. The accident took place at Edlapadu Mandal in Guntur district. After a preliminary investigation, cops have booked cases against MLA’s son and his friends. Cases were booked under sections 304 (A) and 337.
Reports are rife that one of the friends of Siddharth also happens to be son of the leader of Opposition party. Although efforts were reportedly made by ruling party MLA and other leaders of the party, police authorities have taken this act into serious and slapped cases against youth. It once again proved that “political lobbying” would not have any sway over government authorities and police official. That’s Naidu’s administration. Rule is rule for all – be it for ruling party leaders or for opposition party members.