Well, the Andhra Pradesh ruling seems to have blasted not only the main opposition party but has also alleged and fired on the other ones too. The Telugu Desam Party MP, Murali Mohan, has finally decided the future of the zero party to be better after twenty years from now.
He said that the Congress party which granted the bifurcation will now suffer till it realises its mistake and has no scope of coming into form in these years. Speaking to the media, after a meeting with the Central Minister Sujana Chowdary, Murali Mohan made these comments.
He reminded that the UPA Chair person, Sonia Gandhi has been the vital person during the passing of the bifurcation bill. He said the bifurcation was done only for political gains and with cunning plans. Finally, Congress has dug its own grave.
He said ” It is very preposterous that Sonia was speaking about Andhra Pradesh. ” Adding to all these, he said that Congress has no right of speaking about Andhra Pradesh and people here will never believe Congress once again.