TDP’s Chittoor MP Siva Prasad, who is well known for his variety get-ups and protests on various issues, has done it yet again. Siva Prasad today donned the getup of Kuchela (Lord Srikrishna’s poor childhood friend) and visited the Parliament premises to meet prime
minister Narendra Modi.
Speaking to the media, Siva Prasad sang a song explaining Chandrababu’s sufferings with the deficit-hit AP and his lone battle to bring the state on development track. He then requested Modi to urgently sanction the relief package and special funds he had promised to the state during the AP capital Amaravati inaugural ceremony last year and and bail out the state from its severe financial hardships.
The MP also questioned Modi about his forgotten friendship with Chandrababu and asked him to issue funds for Polavaram project and Amaravati construction. Needless to say, the MP’s getup has grabbed a few eyeballs at the Parliament.
Siva Prasad is also a noted actor and filmmaker and acted in several films such as Pilla Jamindar, Khaidi, Thakita Thakita, Thulasi and Lakshmi etc. In the past too, Siva Prasad donned getups like a snake charmer, katikapari, fortune teller and even Narendra Modi getup.