Last week, the well known and close aide of the late YSR, KVP Ramachandra Rao, the Rajya Sabha MP from Congress had moved a Private Bill regarding the Special Status of Andhra Pradesh. The main opposition party in Parliament is keen to have a voting for this bill.
In case, if the voting becomes imminent, TDP is reportedly planning to vote in favour of this bill thereby sending a strong and hard hitting signal to the BJP led Union government. This would even serve to send a message to the people of AP that TDP doesn’t compromise on the state’s interests.
This will definitely pile up more pressure on the central government. The discussions on the bill wasn’t complete even now. The discussion resumed on Monday and if the member who actually introduced the bill asks for it then the house has to go for voting.
Congress has the required majority in Rajya Sabha to get this bill passed. Sources say that voting may happen next Friday. If the bill actually passes in Rajya Sabha, it may become a big embarrassment for Modi & Co! We have to see how the whole thing will be sorted out.