The Telugu Desam Party which has been very much losing ground in Telangana, is reportedly shifting its base to Guntur from the city of Hyderabad. The main party office is now being set up in a new building in Guntur which will be inaugurated on Ugadi i.e. April 8.
Currently the main party office of TDP is NTR Trust Bhavan in Hyderabad. Although this is being shifted to Guntur, the party leaders feel the move is in tune with chief minister Chandrababu Naidu’s plans to shift the Secretariat and the Legislative Assembly buildings to Vijayawada this year.
Many feel that it is indeed desirable to have the party office located close to the state capital. Even though the Guntur party office will be its main party office, TDP leaders say that Hyderabad office will continue to be treated as its main base as the party’s national president Chandrababu Naidu will continue to have an office chamber at the NTR Trust Bhavan.
The inauguration of this new office building is tentatively scheduled for Ugadi and the programme schedule will only be finalised after the party general secretary Nara Lokesh will be returning from his foreign trip. Lokesh will arrive in Vijayawada on Tuesday and take a final call.