Opposition Leader in Andhra Pradesh Assembly, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy opened a pandora box by stating that few famous astrologers in the state told him that Telugu Desam government will not last longer than 2 years after the elections.
While TDP leaders perfectly hit back telling that they will be completing 5 years term, and Jagan has to worry about his party’s future. However when spoke with few Astrologers regarding the future of Chandrababu Naidu and YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. It is said that the future of TDP and YSR Congress is more or less decent and will not have any diverse effect on their future.
Coming to the personal jathakams of both the leaders. Chandrababu may have few health issues after 2017 but there is no danger to his Chief Minister post. However Astrologers say there is a danger for Jagan in 2017 as Ashtama Seni begins for him from then. They say Jagan may well land in jail too as a result.
However the astrologers say there is a possibility that some one may take up the reins of YSR Congress party and may lead the party. They also say Jagan’s Jathakam is not at all favourable for him to become CM in 2019. With these kind of inputs from Astrologers, it may be the time for Jagan to take care!