Young Mega hero Varun Tej has announced in September that he will be doing an action thriller in the backdrop of the Indian Air Force. Sony Pictures International Productions and Renaissance Pictures banners are jointly producing it. The movie went on floors in December 2022 and Shakti Pratap Singh who is a well-known ad filmmaker, cinematographer and VFX aficionado is making his debut as a feature film director with this movie. This high-octane adventure film is created a lot of buzz already.
It is the 13th film of Varun Tej and this patriotic, edge-of-the-seat entertainer showcases the indomitable spirits of our heroes on the frontlines and the challenges they face as they fight one of the biggest, fiercest aerial attacks that India has ever seen. The Telugu-Hindi drama created a stir amongst the cine-goers when the makers introduced Varun Tej’s character as an Indian Air Force pilot with an interesting video. Now, they went a notch higher by announcing that former Miss World Manushi Chillar is on board.
They came up with yet another unique announcement video. Manushi made her debut in films with Akshay Kumar’s ‘Prithviraj’ and the Miss Universe 2017 will be seen portraying the role of a radar officer in #VT13. Speaking about the role, Manushi said, “I am elated to be a part of this incredible spectacle filled with action and working with Sony Pictures International Productions and Renaissance Pictures. I am grateful to my director, Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, for trusting in me, and I am excited to know the life and journey of the officers in the Indian Air Force. It is an exciting beginning to sharing screen space with Varun Tej.”
VT13 is produced on a large scale by Sony Pictures International Productions and Sandeep Mudda from Renaissance Pictures and co-produced by Nandkumar Abbineni.
Talking about the project, Varun Tej said, “I am honoured to have received the opportunity to play the role of an Indian Air Force Officer and celebrate their valour on the big screen. As an (IAF)officer, my character has layers that will be interesting for me to showcase in this film. I will be undergoing immense training and I am excited to see how the audiences react to this one.”