Telangana CM KCR after becoming the chief minister gave strong warning to eve teasers and those who trouble women by thundering that he would pluck their eyes,blast living day lights out of them and even go to the extent of shooting them down.To save women from these trouble mongers Telangana Government constituted women police stations and formed SHE teams. It infact started implementing the recommendations of Ms.Punam Malakondaiah,IAS official who chaired the committee constituted on women’s protection.
According to the findings SHE teams which were constituted in 2014 turned out successful registering 660 cases against 825 eve teasers. Government after the pilot project expanded the SHE teams to all districts including Hyderbad. Even two Bharosa centres were launched in Hyderabad to assist women in legal matters and also provide shelter to victims of traffiking. Government also implemented SHE cabs and Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) has provided several solutions to women-related problems and has even developed mobile apps that boost urban safety.RTC too is operating 50 special buses for women employees and in all buses partitions were installed for male and female commuters. Now they are planning to install panic buttons and CCTV cameras in buses to curb crimes.
Plans like SHE teams,SHE cabs,Women special buses along IT corridor, Bharosa centres for legal assistance,Mobile Apps for women,24/7 special patrolling teams, special women counselors at government departments to deal with harassment at work place, toll free number set up by labour department for receiving complaints at workplace, help desks at reception of all police stations,Start of Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) chaired by Cyberabad police commissioner,CCTV cameras in 1300 RTC buses in sensitive routs and partition in RTC buses paid rich dividends.