Last month, director Teja met Sri Reddy and spoke to her at length and heard her version. After realizing that she has some solid proofs in her claims that some Tollywood celebrities demanded sexual favours from her in exchange of roles.
Despite promising offers, they didn’t give her any roles, she alleged. After patiently listening her plight and seeing the proofs, director Teja had given roles in his two movies to prove that there are many genuine filmmakers like him who give opportunities to new talent without expecting anything in return.
Teja who has introduced many actors in his long career gave her role in NTR Biopic that he is directing and he also said that he would give her chance in his proposed film with Venkatesh.
She also attended the movie launch of NTR Biopic and updated her Facebook DP with the photo taken at the launch.
Reports say he saw the photographs of Abhi Ram being intimate with her then and informed his father, producer Suresh Babu. Industry gossip is that Suresh Babu asked Teja to tell her not to reveal the photographs of his son.
She reportedly agreed to Teja’s suggestion but she did reveal them now after MAA denied her membership and later Sivaji Raja and others made strong statements against her. Thus, Teja’s intervention has failed.
Now various media outlets are revealing that a top director with high-success rate, a comedian with lean personality and a top writer who also launched his own production company had ‘adult chats’ with her.