Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao will unable to attend his initial birthday jollifications in the recent state and also Sivaratri as he will be in Mumbai on Tuesday to meet his Maharashtra equivalent Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday.
That has not diminished the zests of party heads and workers who have displayed parts of Hyderabad and the state with pink posters felicitating and describing him as ‘Telangana Jathi Pita’ (Father of Telangana).
TRS leaders and activists have organized celebrations at the Telangana Bhavan. Besides this, they will also be planning blood donation camps and distributing clothes, fruits to the poor. Mr Rao will turn 61 on Tuesday, which by chance occurs to be Sivaratri.
Tuesday will be Mr Rao’s first birthday celebrations in the new state which he obtained after a harsh 14-year struggle, said TRS MP Dr Narasaiah Goud. At the Telangana Bhavan, power minister G. Jagadish Reddy will inaugurate a blood donation camp while his daughter and TRS MP K.Kavitha will cut a cake.
Film director Shanker will devote a song in respect of Mr Rao, said TRS youth wing leader U Rajesh.