Last week Telangana IT minister KT Rama Rao found fault with the Centre in budget allocations. At Times Now Summit in New Delhi and Nasscom gathering in Mumbai, KTR pitched for stronger the states, better the nation but the BJP government is not supporting states especially Telangana. The national media widely published these comments.
Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman was in Hyderabad on Sunday for a meeting with representatives of trade and industry. After this meeting, Nirmala spoke to the media and she reacted on KTR’s comments. She denied that the Centre is not cooperating to Telangana’s growth. “There is no doubt that Telangana is contributing excellently to the Centre,” accepted Nirmala.
Without mentioning about KTR, She added that the minister had exception on the word ‘GIVEN’ which I have quoted in Lok Sabha during the recent Parliament sessions. “If he or the party has objection on the word ‘GIVEN’ then they are free enough to approach Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla and raise their voice,” said Nirmala.