SANGAREDDY: Setting alarm bells ringing in Telangana, as many as 47 students and one teacher have tested positive for Covid-19 at Mahatma Jyotiba Phule College in Muthangi under Patancheru mandal, Sangareddy district. District Medical and Health Officer (DMHO) Dr. P Gayatri confirmed the same on Monday.
During preliminary inquiries, the officials found that the first student to contract the virus was a person who returned to the college hostel recently from Kamareddy district. Soon after noticing this, the authorities got everyone tested of which the results of 48 persons returned positive.
The DMHO further stated that the condition of all patients was stable with little to no symptoms. The health officials have also distributed medicines among the patients.
On learning about the incident, District Collector M Hanumantha Rao directed DMHO Gayatri and Sangareddy Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) to visit the college hostel and take stock of the situation. The Collector also instructed the officials concerned to monitor the condition of the patients regularly. As directed by the Collector, both the officials visited the college hostel on Monday morning. Health Minister T Harish Rao also spoke to the District Collector and other officials after receiving information regarding the incident.