Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Monday made an aerial survey of Rachakonda hills in Ranga Reddy district for his proposed plan of constructing a Film City on international standards. The location is hardly a few km away from Ramoji Film City, which has attracted international attention in the last couple of decades.
Accompanied by ministers G Jagadish Reddy and P Mahender Reddy, the Chief Minister visited the hillock site and took stock of lands available for the upcoming film city. KCR enquired with the Collectors of Ranga Reddy and Nalgonda districts about the land availability and steps to take over the same. The Telangana Government is planning to set up a film city in 2,000 acres.
The Chief Minister also visited a photo exhibition pertaining to the land and the adjoining areas. The site is about 15 km from Ramoji Film City (which is 18 km from Hyderabad) and is located on the border connecting both the districts. KCR is understood to have asked the officials to take immediate measures to take over the land.