Telangana Government is examining a proposal to install One lakh CCTV cameras at a cost of Rs.959 Crores. This project is likely to be a dream in another two years.
As a part of this CCTV system, the Government will set up 10000 CCTV cameras is all Sensitive and hyper sensitive areas. The cameras will also be placed at Junctions and 90000 cameras are expected to be set up under Community CCTV Project as per the Provisions of Public Safety Measures Enforcement Act.
Home Minister Nayani Narasimha Reddy conveyed this at the legislative assembly. All 100,000 CCTV cameras will be connected to Command Control Centres (CCC) at Police Station level.
Data in CCTV cameras will be stored for 30 days and later it will be deleted. Reddy further said, “A 24-storied Command Control Centre at Road No.12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad is planned for construction to act as Technology Fusion Centre which will be helpful for all the government departments”