Telangana State Home Minister Nayani Narasimha Reddy’s tongue-slip moment set tongues wagging in political fraternity. Nayani on Friday apologized to Tamil Nadu governor Rosaiah for his allegations in connection with a land issue and even issued a retraction. So far, it’s fine. Nayani gave clean chit for Rosaiah’s son-in-law and Rosaiah in the issue stating that inquiry revealed that they haven’t done any mistake.
Nayani, however, stated that the Telangana government is going to take back the land issued by previous government. This is not all. Also, Nayani in front of media stated that he got telephone call from Rosaiah. This “phone call” episode is now irking few TRS leaders as why home minister revealed this to media although it was not necessary.
In fact, it’s not just problem for TRS leaders but also for Rosaiah as he reportedly felt bad for Nayani revealing this to public. It has caught TRS government off guard. Earlier, Nayani alleged that former CM Rosaiah had favoured his son-in-law when he was in office by allotting 1 acre land to his son-in-law’s hospital NICE (Neonatal Intensive Care and Emergencies).