CEO of leading Telugu news channel TV9, Ravi Prakash is in absconding and the Telangana police are in hunt of this noted journalist for the past two days. On Thursday morning the Cyber Crime police have reached TV9 office and held raids. They also held raids at Ravi Praksh’s residence but he is nowhere spotted by the cops.
Based on a complaint filed by Alandha Media Company secretary Koushik Rao that Ravi Prakash has forged the former’s signature, a cyber-crime case has been filed against the TV9 CEO. The complainant also alleged that Ravi Prakash has diverted the funds of TV9 without the consent of the management and is also obstructing the appointment of new directors. Few days back Alandha Media has acquired TV9 from ABCL Corporation and then the company started to takeover the operations as well. But Ravi Prakash is said to be against this.
Meanwhile, actor Sivaji who filed a complaint against TV9 for selling the stake to My Home Group without his knowledge, approached the National Company Law Tribunal. This case will come to hearing before the tribunal on Thursday.
The police were deployed in decent number at TV9 office in Banjara Hills road number three just in case to be on a safer side.