HYDERABAD: Telangana State police on Thursday launched Seva Aahar to provide free food during lunchtime at the doorsteps of COVID-19 patients, who are currently placed under isolation in and around Hyderabad. A dedicated WhatsApp number, 7799616163, has been allotted to the initiative.
One registered individual with one mobile number can order for five people for a maximum of five days. Telangana State Police collaborated with Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, Leadlife Foundation, Swiggy, Big Basket and Hope Organisation and the services are expected to cater to about 1,500 people each day.
With the help of more NGOs that are expected to contribute, the number of days to cater are assumed to be increased and also to serve across the State. The requests can be placed before 6 am in the morning. If placed after, the order will be considered for the next day.
Launching the services right away with the help of the above mentioned collaborators, a mobile application in the name of Seva Aahar will be launched for both Android and iOS users. Keeping senior citizens and children who are in home-quarantine as their priority, the service is launched to cater them.
This initiative is being supervised by Addl DGP (Women Safety Wing) Swati Lakra and DIG (CID-Women Safety Wing) B Sumathi.
The three-day blood donation camp started on May 4 by Rachakonda police with the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) in Bhongir and Yadagirigutta, on the outskirts of Hyderabad, ended on Thursday.
A total of 274 units of blood, 93 units from Bhongir, 74 units from Yadagirigutta and 104 units from Chotuppal, was collected and handed over to the IRCS. The camp was conducted under the supervision of four doctors and assisted by 10 nurses.