Sweety Anushka can spellbound movie lovers not only with her scintillating beauty on silver screen but also with her sword wielding skills as was seen in Arundhati. No doubt, gorgeous actress Anuskha has a bigger task on hand. The award winning actress has to draw in more than Rs. 35 crores to push her upcoming historical film “Rudramma Devi” to safe zone since producer-director Guna has spent lavishly and even top distributors placed big bets on this path-breaking effort.
Being the first Indian stereophonic 3D historical, expectations have rising by the day. A source says “Anuskha is the USP of the film, as she plays the title role of warrior princess, so major responsibility lies on her shoulders, She has done full justice to the role as she got trained herself in horse-riding and sword wielding action sequences to breathe life into the legendary queen of Telangana”.
Even thoughh, Allu Arjun’s ‘special role’ is added attraction, but its Anushka’s film all the way. Source goes on to add “She can only do it, since her earlier big hit “Arundathi” was made with a budget of 14-odd crores but it covered double its investment, so Anushka has recreate that magic,”. Has her charisma subsided or in reversal raising up, we’ll get to know soon.