In a gruesome incident, a Tahasildhar was brutally killed by setting her on fire with petrol. This incident is reported in Abdullapurmet of Rangareddy district.
Going into detail, the victim who is identified as Vijaya Reddy is working as Tahasildhar in MRO office and she is involved in a land dispute with a farmer by name Suresh. Regarding the same issue, Vijaya Reddy is claimed to have joined hands with Suresh’s rivals and is said to be delaying the registration of land.
Fumed by this, Suresh came to MRO office on Monday during the lunch hour. He seems have argued with Vijaya Reddy and after that poured petrol on her and set fire. Crying and shouting loud, Vijaya Reddy came of her room rolling on the floor. Her driver and attender tried to save her but their efforts went in vain as Vijay Reddy died on the spot.
Later Suresh set himself on fire but was rescued yet he suffered serious injuries. He was rushed to a government hospital. This horrific incident brought a panic in Abdullapurmet and the police have stepped in to take control of the law & order.
Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy visited the MRO office and called it an unfortunate incident. She ordered for a complete probe.