The Telangana Labour department in a complaint filed with Chikkadpally police has alleged that around Rs 609 crore was missing from the department’s bank account and was transferred to the account of Andhra Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board.
Chikkadpally police after receiving the complaint from the petitioner started investigating and found that two officials, Murali Sagar, secretary, and Rama Rao, finance manager of the AP Building and Construction Welfare Board, had transferred the money to the account. Police inspector N.L.N.Raju said that the two officials informed the police that they had transferred the money following orders from the chief secretary of Andhra Pradesh. Even though the money was transferred on October 7th, Telangana labour department noticed it only recently.
However Police are trying to understand whether AP chief secretary had the power to transfer the funds of the Telangana Labour department to the AP labour department.