Telugu actor Harshvardhan Rane is better known for his negative roles in “Avunu”, “Avunu 2”, “Anamaika” and “Fidaa”.In Bollywood, he is more popular for his romance with 39-year-old Kim Sharma. She is four years older than him. They had a roaring love affair. They are no longer an item.
They broke up officially. Rane declared his split with her through an Instagram post: “K, Thank you gentle soul! It was amazing, and much more. God bless you, and God bless me too. Bye. H.”
35-year-old Harshvardhan Rane and Kim Sharma never hid their relationship. They regularly posted their pics together on social media. Kim Sharma had a tiff with him last month and they have parted ways now.
Kim Sharma featured in films such as “Khadgam”, “Magadheera”, “Zindagi Rocks”, “Anjaneyulu”, “Padmashri Lalu Prasad Yadavu” and “Yakeen”.