Senior hero Rajasekhar got a fresh lease of life with Garuda Vega last year. He waited for a long time to zero in on his next film and finally signed talented young director Prasanth Varma for his next project. The project was officially announced recently.
Now, we have exclusively learnt that Rajashekar will be romancing Telugu beauty Anjali in the movie. This is quite an interesting pairing. Anjali’s role in the movie is yet a suspense. In Telugu, Anjali was last seen in her 2017 film ‘Chitrangada’. She has been doing a lot of Tamil movies of late. But unlike in Telugu where she is mostly paired with senior heroes, Anjali acts alongside young heroes in Tamil.
The Rajashekar-Prasanth Varma film is titled Kalki. The film is an investigative thriller and Rajasekhar will be playing a cop’s role in it. Kalki has a period backdrop and it is set in 1983.