In the last couple of weeks, no other Telugu celebrity would have put such many tweets like that of actress and Congress party leader Vijayasanthi. Other day, after paying homage to Vijaya Nirmala’s mortal remains, Vijayasanthi got the video of her visit shared on Twitter along with some words. And that stunned many.
Before that, Vijayasanthi is talking about various political stuff, general things and cinemas too. She spoke about her role in Sarileru Neekevvaru on the social media site and also tweeted about her disappointment regarding actress Roja not getting Minister berth in YS Jagan’s cabinet. Simply said, she is super active than a Samantha or Kajal on Twitter.
Many heroes and heroines are now said to be asking about the company that is providing these social media services for the actress. Because such apt, to the point and bang on target tweets, doesn’t like something coming from an individual, but from the one who is supported by an able team.
On the other hand, it looks like Vijayasanthi is trying to rebuild her fanbase, this time on social media, before she re-debuts as an actress yet again through Mahesh Babu’s movie.