Telugu actress Anandhi is making waves in Tamil industry. She is getting some good offers in Kollywood. The starlet will next be seen in GV Prakash starrer Enakku Innoru Per Irukku slated for release on this Friday. Anandi affirms that, few Tamil directors have forced her to wear short outfits and go glamorous in their films. “I had bad experiences in the past. I was forced to wear skin-revealing costumes. I felt uncomfortable. I dared and warned my filmmakers to walk out from shootings, if they ask to go glamorous. In fact, glamorous outfits won’t suit me.
So, I had decided not to be dressed in such outfits. It’s a habitual thing that, I will tell my directors not to act in two-piece attire, before signing any film,” said Anandhi in a recent media interaction.Earlier, Anandhi hit headlines for her bad remarks on Trisha Illana Nayanthara (Trisha Leda Nayanthara in Telugu) director Adhik Ravichandran. She alleged that the director had cheated her by changing the story that was earlier narrated to her.
Anandhi informed to play a don’s daughter in the film Enakku Innoru Per Irukku is directed by Sam Anton. The actress who won compliments for her performance in critically acclaimed and commercially successful movie Visaranai also has some projects lined up in Tamil.It may be mentioned here that, Anandhi made her film debut with Maruthi directed us Stop. After starring in several Telugu movies, she entered Kollywood with Poriyaalan