In the good olden days, the likes of D Rama Naidu are said to be giving 70% fee and used to ask actors to collect the balance while doing next film. But those days are gone and with producers winding up their shops fast, even actors are asking their dues to be cleared much before the release of the movie itself.
From the last couple of days, a heroine’s absence at the promotional events of one particular film is raising many doubts. Though many felt that she got into a tiff with the hero and hence not appearing, now it’s coming out that the pending payment is the real culprit behind her absence.
Though the producer promised her to clear all the dues before release, he has to pay her still 10 lakhs balance. While she’s getting all the calls to take part in promotional events, the producer is said to be not lifting her calls. And irritated by this happening even her team including her manager and another call-sheet caretaker advised her to not respond to the promotional calls.
Industry talk is that presence of this dazzling siren who lights up events with her ravishing looks will be more helpful for the film. That’s the reason, PR managers are sending a word to the producer to resolve the issue.